And this is why people are leery of online dating services.
I don't know why but at some point I signed up for this online dating thing (probably for some sort of survey or questionnaire). And ever since then they have graced my email inbox at least once a week with the 'women that match your personal search preferences.' I guess I didn't know I had such horrible preferences.
Wow, I'm so glad I don't really have to resort to these things to find a date...that would suck!
What about p-e-r-s-o-n-a-l-i-t-y? And we all know that "Andrea" is a clever nom-de-web to make it seem like you have a girlfriend.
"Hello my future girlfriend. This is what I sound like..."
Mike's comment is hilarious... For those of you who forgot about this magical kid don't fret:
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