I've always thought that A&M is like that weird family down the street. As one of the neighbors it's really fun to talk about how weird they are. "Can you believe last week when they had a pig roast, that was SO weird." But in reality, if you were a member of that family you would think it's the coolest thing ever. You get to have fun in your own way, you don't care what others think, and everybody becomes cool by doing the same thing because it's different than what all the outsiders are doing. A&M is a great place. I loved my time there and I'm stoked that I'm not there anymore. I just can't wait to share the joy of my alma mater with the girl that brings such joy to all that matters.
Plus, did I mention that A&M is playing Baylor? And when the Aggies score...WHOOP! Yes, I most definitely planned this trip strategically.
OMG...the best part of this post is that Matt and I are from the same year at TAMU, and we actually ran into each other there on occasion (mutual friend) so I totally saw him when he looked like this!!!
WHOOPING: The sound that an endangered species of crane makes when it scores (mates). BTW, "The Girl" sure has changed a lot, new face, hair, physique, ethnic heritage, etc. Apparently a day at "ANM" can really alter one's perspectives, not to mention appearances. Whoop! Whoop!! Whoop!!!
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