So this week we had our big annual conference and I'm walking around some of the Employee Only areas and I find a room with this sign on the door. My first thought was COWS! Then I realized I was on the second floor and there was little possibility of getting a glass of milk straight from a cow. Then it sunk in what the room was really supposed to be. It's so that mothers can nurse their babies. Why didn't they just call this a
Nursing Room? It's not like a woman is going to just sit in a room and
lactate. I might even understand if they chose Lactation Room because it's more PC and less harsh. But seriously, I almost walked right into the room looking for a glass of milk.
In other news, life is going well. Work is keeping me busy, but satisfied. Outside of work things are working really well. Family-wise things were interesting recently due to my
former step-dad doing/saying everything a father shouldn't. (Oh, and I know you
lurk on my site. If you want to
email me to my face just do it. Just for peet's sake don't be an emotional thug to your own daughters.) Fortunately my mom and sister have gotten a chance to get away from everything and spend a little vacation time together. I can't believe that school's almost about to start for my little sister again. And she'll be in High School...crazy!
Big time congrats to
Jeremy and
Jessica who are getting married this weekend. If you haven't met them you should. They're the type of couple that more people should aspire to be like. I'm so glad to see that God has blessed the two of them. Oh, and for my
FLIP friends. Jessica is Dana Kaderli's roommate from her freshmen year.

On a funner note
the girl and I found this really neat looking moth right outside of my apartment today. I was pretty happy because for some reason when she comes over instead of pretty moths she is usually greeted by those huge roaches that like to fly towards your face. Then there's also the lovely June Bugs (aka Potatoe Beetles) that are too stupid to learn how to actually fly correctly. Or finally the hoard of ants that is continually terrorizing my kitchen and any product that might contain moisture. So to have a happy little moth just sitting there waiting to be petted...that was just dandy.
Finally since I am in a great mood (due to dancing and ice cream with aforementioned lady), I thought I would leave you with a few of the reasons why I love living in Texas in the summer.
I just feel like there's some lactose intolerant joke floating around here somewhere...but..I...just...can't...seem...to pinpoint it.
Gorgeous sunsets!
And the promised comic: http://www.comics.com/comics/getfuzzy/
The author is a rugger and occasionally little things get dropped in, like last week Rob was wearing an Irish national team jersey, so aside from just being hilarious I get a kick out of that.
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