The thoughts that were thunk and the goings on of my life.

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Alright, so a friend of mine pointed out that my last blog was a little pessimistic. I'll admit it was, because I forgot one of the critical factors in life that keeps us from predicting anything: Choice. We have the choice as to our direction, and we can change that depending upon who we meet, so I guess the chances of finding that right one are greatly improved and as my astute friend Joy Nix said, "When I find someone who's line is pointing in the same direction and we get to know each other and decide that we're a match, then we are going to work to not veer from the overall point that we're aiming for, but of course all relationships have some turns, but as long as it turns back that's all that matters."

On to new matters: I haven't really had any great thoughts lately. But the weather has been great, so I've been trying to get in the sun as much as I can. I love the outdoors. Oh, something cool is that I finally got some info about the camp I'll be working at this summer, Camp Balcones Springs. I'm really excited about going there now, because I just know it's going to be a great and challenging experience for me. AND I was at my friend Stephanie's house tonight and happened to meet a girl that's a counselor there too! I'm already ready to go. This college chapter in my life is starting to get a little old...I need something new. College is such a great place, but I know I need to move on.

Link of the day:

I know the source does not apply to us all, but the message should:

“Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”
-The Special Olympics Oath

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