I saw you as I rounded the corner. I didn't yet know what you were, only that some of your pals were surrounding you. I scared them away after letting out a roar, but I coul not move you. You only laid there. I looked down and you were still moving, and then I realized who you were. You were another kitty, but you had been hit by some car before me...you were long gone, but still lingering.
I wish I knew what to do. Should I finish what the first car started? Should I use the machete I had in the car and make it quick and clean? What if you belonged to somebody? What if they saw me finish it all quickly? Where would I put you? Would you get my car dirty? What would a cop do if they saw me with a bloody machete? Should I just drag you out of the road? Should I leave a note for your owners? I don't know what to do, what would be best, what would cause the least harm.
Had you kept moving I would have helped, but when you stopped I knew that you should be left where you were so that your story would be easily known. I will now leave you to your circle of mourning friends, may your death not also be the death of them.
The Man Who Watched You Pass Away